Dog Ice Cream from R28

A complete treat on those sunny days.
Regular ice cream is laden with ingredients that may be harmful to dogs, including some that can cause illness or even be toxic.

Dogs’ digestive systems are not designed to process the same foods that humans consume. A tiny taste of vanilla or strawberry ice cream probably won’t harm your dog. However, even a small serving of a non-toxic flavor like vanilla or strawberry in the form of a pup cup or doggy cone contains enough sugar, fat, and dairy to potentially upset their stomach—or worse.

Instead of offering your dog a scoop or cone of regular ice cream, consider giving them a pup cup from our selection of dog-friendly ice creams. Our Doggy ice cream is crafted without the addition of any sweeteners or preservatives.

Although it’s a delightful treat for any time of day or season, Doggy Ice Cream should not be considered a substitute for a complete and balanced diet.

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